RNDr. Jozef Stašák, PhD.

RNDr. Jozef Stašák, PhD.

Business Process Modeling Standardized Approach (SAP, ARIS), Business Process Modeling Linguistic Approach, Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage Management


Business Intelligence, Business Process Modeling Linguistic Approach, Business Process Modeling Standardized Approach (SAP, ARIS), Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage Management

Date (from-to) (1972 -76)

Employer Name: Research Institute for Chemical Fibres in Svit

Address: 059 21 Svit – Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit: Syntetic Section

Type of business/Sector: IT

Position/Job title: research worker

Responsibility: Development of application programs for analysis of fibres


Date (from-to): (1976 - 82)

Employer Name Stredoslovenské sklárne n.p. Poltár

Address: Poltár – Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit: Computer Centre

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: Head of the Computer Centre

Responsibility: Development of the Enterprise Information System


Date (from-to): (1982 - 88)

Employer Name: Závody výpočtovej techniky k.p. Banská Bystrica

Address: Zvolenská cesta 78, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit: Computer Centre

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: Project leader

Responsibility: for Information System Development (dealing with scientific information processing)


Date (from-to): (1988 - 92)

Employer Name: Štátny okresný archív Banská Bystrica

Address: Námestie SNP č.4, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit: Computer Centre

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: Head of the Computer Centre

Responsibility: for Information System Development dealing with Records Management and Processing of Archival Documents)


Date (from-to): (1992-1994)

Employer Name: S.A.L. (software & languages)

Address: Rudlovska cesta 54 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit:

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: owner of the company

Responsibility: for development of customer’s application software


Date (from-to): (1992-1994)

Employer Name: S.A.L. (software & languages)

Address: Rudlovska cesta 54 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit:

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: owner of the company

Responsibility: for development of customer’s application software


Date (from-to): (1994-1995)

Employer Name: Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Matej Bel

Address: Tajovskeho 45 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit: Department of Information Science and Technology

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: University Teacher

Responsibility: for teaching of IT disciplines and development of customer’s application software


Date (from-to): (1997-2002)

Employer Name: Faculty of Political Sciences and International Affairs , University of Matej Bel

Address: Kuzmanyho 1 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit: Department of Synergetic and Prognostic

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: University Teacher

Responsibility: for teaching of IT disciplines and development of customer’s application software


Date (from-to): (2002 – 2005)

Employer Name: Faculty of Finance, University of Matej Bel

Address: Cesta k amfiteatru 1 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit: Department of Information Systems

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: University Teacher

Responsibility: for teaching of IT disciplines and development of customer’s application software


Date (from-to): (2006 – 2011)

Employer Name: Faculty of Business Informatics, University of Economics Bratislava

Address: Dolnozemská 1 852 35 Bratislava, Slovak republic

Business /Organisational Unit: Department of Information Systems

Sector/Type of business: IT

Position/Job title: University Teacher

Responsibility: for teaching of IT disciplines and development of customer’s application software


Date (from-to): (2010 – 2014)

Employer Name: Dubnický technologický inštitút Sládkovičova 20 018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom Slovak republic

Business/Organizational Unit: Institute of specialized courses and Information Technologies

Position/Job title: University Teacher

Responsibility: for teaching of IT disciplines and development

of customer’s application software


Date (from-to): (2014 – 2015)

Employer Name: Institute of Technology and Business Okružní 10 370 01 České Budějovice Czech Republic

Business/Organizational Unit:

Position/Job title: University Teacher

Responsibility: for teaching of Business Process Intelligence and IT disciplines

Date (from-to): (2017 – up to now.)

Employer Eötvös Loránd University– Faculty of Informatics

Budapest, Pázmány Péter 1/C., 1117 Hungary

Business/Organizational Unit: Business Process Intelligence – Business Process Management and Modelling

Position/Job title: University Teacher

Responsibility: for teaching of Business Process Intelligence and IT disciplines

Date (from-to): (2018 – up to now.)

Employer: Faculty of Humanities, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic

Business/Organizational Unit: Business Process Intelligence – Business Process Management and Modelling

Position/Job title: University Teacher

Responsibility: for teaching of Business Process Intelligence and IT disciplines


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