PhDr. Lucia Škvareninová, M.S.S., DBA

Expert in China and Southeast Asia
Member of the Scientific and Pedagogical Council, INTERCEDU
She was awarded master’s degree in political science at the Institute of China and Asia Pacific Studies by renowned Chinese university. She also completed and graduated from International Relations and Diplomacy Studies. She spent more than 10 years living in Asia, meanwhile she was studying Chinese language and successfully passed HSK and HSKK Chinese State Exam, at the same time dedicated her time to support international economic activities of private entities. She represented the Slovak Republic at the bilateral or multilateral platforms and during high-level talks. Apart from gaining excellent working skills, she also acquired in-depth insights into the local cultures. She conducted the field research in Cambodia and studied the consequences of Cambodian genocide during the Khmer Rouge regime. She cooperated with experts at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. She spent some time in Pacific - Solomon Islands and focused on extensive logging of primeval forests. In 2014 she published ‘‘China’s Modern Geopolitical Strategy in Latin America after 1990: A shift from politically driven motivations to long-term economic cooperation ‘‘. She had already been to 70+ countries around the world and temporarily lived in a number of them. Her life abroad had brought unique life experience and important contacts that she keeps until today. When she returned back to Slovakia in 2016, she established Lefong s.r.o. The main aim of this company is to establish and support business strategic partnerships primarily between European and Chinese entities. The company also cooperates with the firms from BRICS.
At the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, she worked as a senior state advisor in the department of foreign trade policy. She actively participates and gives lectures at international conferences and at forums of young leaders, including the BRICS countries.
She is also involved in the Chinese initiative of the New Silk Road "One Belt One Road". Currently, she is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood at the Mendel University in Brno and holds the position of director of education at the International Center of Education- INTERCEDU. She is the head of the M.R. Štefánik Club in Trenčianske Teplice and the president of the Slovak-Serbian Danube Association. In 2018, she organized an expedition in the footsteps of M.R. Štefánik to the island of Tupai in French Polynesia, where she was also received by H. E. President Édouard Fritch.