General Assembly of EASA in Salzburg

The program took place according to a predetermined plan, plan. Prof. Maizer evaluated EASA activities in 2023, including the International Conference of the INTERCEDU on Artificial Intelligence in Limbach.
The Festive Plenary was opened by Dr. Brigitta Pallauf, an Austrian politician and the President of the Salzburg Parliament. She warmly welcomed all EASA members and emphasized that in today's world we need education and the knowledge transfer across scientific disciplines. The EASA members thus form a worldwide network of important contacts. In the speech, EASA President, Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, welcomed everyone and highlighted the importance of young generation, especially female academics, who should join the Academy in the forthcoming future. He also asked a rhetorical question, how should we manage this chaotic world, which is constantly changing? We are not only witnessing many regional conflicts, but also lack of raw materials on one hand, and economic growth on the other. We face societal challenges such as rising energy prices and climate change. The key to a better tomorrow is unprecedented international cooperation based on mutual respect. The common language of the whole world is also music. The ceremony was enriched by a musical performance by Irina Muresanu (violin), Ion Bogdan Stefanescu (flautist) and Michael Tsalka (piano).
During the Festive Plenary 60 new members of EASA from 20 countries (China, Serbia, Italy, Greece, Moldova, Germany, Austria, Romania, Hong Kong, Macao, etc.) were inaugurated. Prof. Dr. Emmanuella Charpentier, member of EASA, Class IV, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2020, delivered a keynote speech on the topic: ‘‘Transforming life sciences through the power of microbiology: the example of gene editing with CRISPR”.
Prof. Štefan Kassay and PhDr. Lucia Škvareninová recorded an exclusive interview with the Nobel laureate, which we will be presented soon for the International Center of Education- INTERCEDU.