Salzburg Tolerance Talks


Prof. Mariano Delgado, Dean of Class VII, World Religions, organized and moderated the program together with Vice- Dean Prof. Jean Ehret, who hosted a round table called "Universal Fraternity and Social Friendship". Speakers shared their perspectives of different religions in the world.

Discussants dealt with questions of how to live together more peacefuly and what should we improve in order to respect different religions? Everyone has their personal right to profess their faith. Human dignity requires religious freedom. Universal brotherhood means coexistence of several religions and mutual respect for one another. The speakers agreed that religious representatives should take part in political matters, because religion as such cannot be isolated from politics.

In times of global crises, we should focus on global ethics and so-called religious ‘elite‘ should play more important and a new role as responsible players, who will lead the local and religious elite should lead the local and global society towards a better tomorrow.

Traditional evening reception at the Salzburg Residence in Knight's Hall was opened by Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He welcomed about 200 members of Academy. He delivered a welcome speech and emphasized the cooperation with new institutions, including International Center of Education - INTERCEDU, which signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with EASA last year.

Prof. Dr. Mainzer honored the partnership between the two institutions based on the Memorandum of Cooperation, which can be deepened of Cooperation and predicted a fruitful future. He awarded the President of INTERCEDU, Prof. Štefan Kassay, DrSc. with the Gold medal for his lifetime merits and engagement in interdisciplinary research, and also highlighted Professor Kassay's achievements in business, his dedication in work as a philosopher and technical engineer by his degree. The headquarter of INTERCEDU in Limbach, near Bratislava, which he visited last year, can also serve for common purposes such as international conferences and lectureships.

In the closing speech, President Mainzer thanked Professor Kassay for cooperation and wished him success and good health.

Director of Education of INTERCEDU, PhDr. Lucia Škvareninová, thanked for the award and recognition, on behalf of Professor Štefan Kassay. Followingly, Prof. Kassay handed over gifts to Klaus Mainzer – two sets of pentalogy Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in English, as a gift for the EASA library, as well as a handmade crystal set with samples of wines from Slovak vineyards.

The evening reception took place in the beautiful historical premises, Mozart used to perform his concerts.

During the festive evening, Prof. Štefan Kassay conducted several interviews with the EASA members, coming from different countries of the world- China, USA and other EU countries.


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